Dr Kotzampasakis initially specialized in General Surgery in large hospitals in Athens and then in Otolaryngology of children and adults, at “Paedon Pentelis”, where he specialized in the management and treatment of childhood cases. He completed his training in the ORL specialty at " Konstantopouleio General Hospital".
During his specialization he has gained considerable experience in the management and treatment of both urgent and chronic otorhinolaryngological events.
Along with his specialization in Otolaryngology, he has gained extensive experience in plastic surgery, especially the face, as a partner of the experienced plastic surgeon S. Kotzampasakis, from which he was inspired and specialized in the art of rhinoplasty and facial aesthetic surgery.
Dr. Kotzapasakis has performed, since 2004, a large number of surgical rhinoplasty procedures with excellent results. Since the end of his specialization Dr. Kotzampasakis accepts his patients to the D. Drosini 16 clinic in Kifissia and he is currently operates at the Iatriko Athens Medical Center , IASIO Private Clinic of Kallithea and ORL Athens clinic.
He completed his master's degree in Health Unit Administration in 2016 and in 2017 he completed his doctoral dissertation with excellency at the Medical School of the University of Athens, entitled "Quality of Life of Rhinoplasty Patients". In addition to the postgraduate degree in Health Care Management at the Open University of Patras, he participated in other postgraduate programs, such as:

Introduction to hearing sciences. 1st ORL Department of University of Athens & IOWA University (10 / 2014-11 / 2014)
Postgraduate Program of Surgical Specialties. Health Hospital (01 / 2012-05-2012)
In the same year he published a scientific book on rhinology

He has a number of scientific publications in Greek and International Medical journals, including four international publications in the leading journals of: The Laryngoscope, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Clinical Pediatrics.
In 2018 he participated in the scientific translation team of the guidelines on sinusitis in Greek language.
He has taken part in numerous medical conferences in Greece and abroad with a large number of scientific papers and presentations
Dr Kotzabasakis is specialized in the control of neonatal hearing loss using Acoustic Emissions. He has examined to date more than 2,200 newborns in the national neonatal hearing screening program, in collaboration with KEELPNO.
He is a certified NMES user for the treatment of facial nerve paralysis and patients with deglutition problems after acute neurological conditions (Vascular stroke, facial nerve palsy). See relevant publication by clicking here.
He has been a trainer in a series of both theoretical and practical seminars on endoscopic nasal surgery.
He is a member of:
The Medical Association of Athens
The Medical Association of UK (GMC)
The Medical Association of Norway
The Panhellenic Society of Otorhinolaryngology
The European Society of Rhinology (RSE)